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Monday, April 18, 2011

Greet News Coming to My Honeysuckle Tree

Happy Monday! I just have to make this announcement. Are you ready for this?????? You better sit down for this one. Book #7 is about to be created. That's right, my manuscript has been accepted for publishing by Featherweight Publishing House out of New York. I have contract in hand and I have been assigned an editor to work with me on completing this project. I am blessed to have my foot in the door with this new book idea. They say the editor loved the story. Now isn't that just fabulous! That wasn't a was a statement.

The story needs some more tweaking before it is ready to hit the stores and shelves. I can't wait to see what kind of book cover they will do. Oh yeah, I have my input on that too.

Stay tune for a new book release to be added to this blog. Oh dag, I forgot, I still have to finish adding my other ones on here. I stay so busy. I will work on that this evening. Meantime, I am going to go and get me something to eat, have a mid afternoon snack because I just worked up an appetite.


  1. Whoo Hoo Girl!!!!! Congrats!!!

  2. Thank you Bobbi, another book for you to add to your bookshelf when it comes out.
