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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

From the Desk of Author Winona Rasheed

When it comes to creative writing, the passion of bringing words, conflict and a situation together, runs deep in my veins. My life is centered on writing, rather it is working on anew book idea, working on a freelance article, or just releasing my thoughts in a blog or two. I always manage to put a little writing into my daily life. For me, it is a must.

Some may think that a writer’s/author’s life is boring, for they do nothing but hang out with their computer keyboard or a typewriter if they are a tad bit old fashion. But I think not! There is complete satisfaction in meeting deadlines and bringing a story to an end, or to its climax.

As I see it, God has gifted us all with some kind of talent. For some it’s singing and dancing, or playing sports, or a musical instrument. But for me, it is writing and I have been at it for a long time. As a matter of fact, years upon years. However, my quest to become a writer/author is beginning to come together; which means sometimes success doesn’t happen over night. Sometimes it takes years before the door opens wide enough for you to step in. But again, when the door is ajar, don’t kick it closed and give up. Keep tugging at it with patience, endurance and dedication, especially when there is a deep passion to accomplish a dream or a goal. You cannot succeed if you give up or when you don’t believe in yourself or your capabilities.

So, if you write, write from the heart and not because you have to, but because you want to and need to, because you have a deep passion to become a writer/author.

Have a fabulous Writing day, for the sky is the limit!!!!

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